Central Wisconsin Agricultural Supplier
Jay-Mar, Inc. of Plover, WI is a family owned company that has proudly served since 1970 as the leading Agricultural and Lawn & Garden supplier in Central Wisconsin.

Our retail store on Hwy B in Plover carries:
- Dog and cat foods and supplies
- Lawn and garden fertilizers, soils, pots and more
- Bird feeds for wild and domestic birds
- Wildlife food plot seed and fertilizers
- Garden giftware
- Chicken and small animal feeds and supplies
- Equine feed and supplies

Jay-Mar, Inc. is your total agri-supplier providing farmers with liquid and dry fertilizers, farm seed, crop protection products and custom application, soil and tissue testing services, packaging, sprayer and fertilizer equipment parts and storage tanks.
Jay-MAr, INC. Retail Store
Dog Food

Dog Treats

Frozen Dog & Cat Food

Cat Food

Cat Treats

Caged Bird



Mini Pig
Guinea Pig

Small Animal Bedding

Pet Accessories
Pet Healthcare Products
Collars and Leads

Black Sunflower Seed
Striped Sunflower Seed
Critter Mix
Black and Stipe Sunflower, Shelled and Cracked Corn, Shelled and in Shell Corn
Nyjer Seed
Suet Cakes
Domestic Bird Mixes
Fortified Canary
Canary, Rape, Nyjer, Steel Cut Oat Groats, and Vitamins
Fortified Cockatiel
Assorted Millets, safflower, California Grey Striped Sunflower, Canary Seed, Oat Groats, Buckwheat, and Vitamins
Fortified Cockatiel No Sunflower
Assorted Millets, Safflower, Canary Seed, Oat Groats, Buckwheat, and Vitamins
Fortified Finch
Canary, Nyjer, Flax, Assorted Millet, Steel Cut Oat Groats, Vitamins
Fortified Parakeet
Assorted Millets, Canary, Flax, Oat Groats, Vitamins
Fortified Parrot
Safflower, Assorted Sunflowers, White and Red Miller, Pigeon and Kibble Corn, In shell Peanuts, Wheat, Buckwheat, Pumpkin Seeds, Oat Groats, Dundicut Peppers, Vitamins
Wild Bird Mixes
Wild Bird I
Assorted Millets, Cracked Corn, Wheat, Black Sunflower
Wild Bird II
White Millet, Milo, Wheat, Black Sunflower
Wild Bird III
White Millet, Black Sunflower, Cracked Corn
Wild Bird Extra
Assorted Millet, Cracked Corn, Assorted Sunflower, Wheat, Canary Seed, shelled Peanuts, Safflower
Wild Bird No Mess
Sunflower Chips, Hulled Millet, Safflower, Cracked Corn
Wild Finch Mix
Canary, Nyjer, Canola Seed, Assorted Millet, Flax
Wild Finch Mix Extra
Fine Sunflower Chips, Canary, Nyjer, Assorted Millets, Canola, Flax
WJC Mix (Woodpecker, Blue Jay and Cardinal)
Assorted Sunflower, Corn, Assorted Nuts, Safflower, C&S Nuggets, Cherries, Cranberries, Raisins
Wild Finch Sunflower/Nyjer
Fine Sunflower Chips and Nyjer
Wild Finch Mix Economy
Cracked Corn
Whole Kernel Corn
Cob Corn
Milo, Wheat, White Millet, Oat Groats, Buckwheat
Pigeon Corn
Pigeon Feeds
Pigeon Feed
Milo, Corn, Field Peas, Wheat, Barley
Pigeon Feed Flying with Corn
Assorted Peas, Corn, Milo, Wheat, Barley, Red Millet, Oat Groats, Flax, Safflower, Buckwheat
Pigeon Feed Flying without Corn
Assorted Peas, Milo, Wheat, Barley, Red Millet, Oat Groats, Flax, Safflower, Buckwheat
Super Racer Mix
Assorted Peas, Red and White Milo, Corn, Wheat, Barley Safflower, Oat Groats, Millet, Pop Corn, Canola, Rice, Flax, Buckwheat, Hemp, and Corn Gluten, Meal
Lawn Ranger Program
Jay-Mar's Lawn Ranger program is a 4-step program to a great looking lawn.
March 15 - April 15
Crabgrass Preventer or Jump Start
Mothers Day
May 1 - May 15
Randy's Special, Greener by the Yard, or Weed & Feed
Fathers Day
June 1 - June 15
Randy's Special or Greener by the Yard
4th of July
July 1 - July 5
Randy's Special or Greener by the Yard
Labor Day
August 1 - September 15
Randy's Special or Greener by the Yard
October 15 - October 30
Winter Coat
How to have a healthy, good-looking lawn
You can have a healthy, good-looking lawn by making 4 of the 6 applications. The Winter Coat application is the most important. Do not miss this step. If you only fertilize once per year, make sure it's the Winter Coat application. If you choose to do all 6 steps, you may fertilize at the lowest nitrogen rate.
All products used in the Lawn Ranger Program are made right here in Wisconsin for Wisconsin's lawns.
The Lawn Ranger Program is based on UW-Madison's recommendations. The Lawn Ranger program is environmentally responsible. We're not "pouring on" the fertilizer. We're providing what the lawn needs.
You'll notice that as the health of your lawn improves, the lawn becomes thicker and there are fewer weeds. The weeds just don't have a chance to get started because you thick lawn shades them from the sun and they can't germinate.
Lawn Fertilizers
Jump Start
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Jump Start has been especially created to help northern lawns get a head start and green-up faster in the spring. Jump Start is rich in potassium, which is essential for a strong, dense root mass. Annual applications of Jump Start will help your lawn become healthier, stronger and more durable.

Turf Care - Liquid
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- Turf Care – Spring/Fall 13-0-13 With Micros - 1 Gal
- Turf Care – Summer 24-0-6 With Iron – 1 Gal
Turf Care Supply, LLC blends a variety of the top performing premium quality lawn care products for the professional and retail green industry.

Greener by the Yard
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Greener by the Yard is made with slow-release nitrogen for steady, long-lasting color without the surges in growth that require frequent mowing. Greener by the Yard builds a thick, healthy lawn - right down to the roots. Greener by the Yard provides your lawn with complete, balanced nutrition to keep it a deep, rich green all season long.

Randy's Special
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Randy's Special Lawn Food features double-greening action. It turns your lawn into a carpet of green, while turning your neighbors green with envy. Randy's Special provides your lawn with complete nutrition to keep it green all year long.

Winter Coat
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Winter Coat builds a larger, healthier root system in your lawn. A stronger root system makes your lawn better equipped to fight disease and weed pressure. Grass roots develop in the fall and spring. Your lawn will tolerate drought, heat and other stresses better and stay green longer. The micronutrient package in Winter Coat acts like a multi-vitamin for the lawn. Applying Winter Coat this fall will get your lawn green and growing faster next spring.

Crabgrass Preventer
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A granular fertilizer containing Team Pro herbicide for the preemergence control of Crabgrass, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Poa annua and other annual grass and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass. Be sure to apply this material in the spring after the soil temperature has reached 52 degrees for three days in a row.
Weed & Feed
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A granular fertilizer containing Trimec herbicide for the postemergent control of Dandelion, Chickweed, Knotweed, Clover, Plantain, Henbit and over 200 other broadleaf weeds. Be sure that the grass is damp when applying this material. To be effective, the granules must adhere to the leaves of the weed.
Pelletized Lime
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Pelletized Lime is a quickly available form of lime that is high in calcium. Jay-Mar's Pelletized Lime applies easily with almost no dust. Anytime is the right time to lime. Apply at the rate of 50#/2000 ft2.

Weed Killers
Insect Control
Animal Repellents
Garden Seed

Seed Starter Soils & Peat Pots
Specialty Soils & Plant Foods
Straw & Hay
Wildlife Plot Seed & Fertilizer
Gardening Tools

Fertilizer Spreader Rental
Lawn Seed
Wildflower Seeds
Soil Testing
Greeting Cards

Garden Stones & Stakes
Gazing Globes
Garden Accents
Holiday Items
Wildlife Prints
Wind Chimes

Wind Spinners

Squirrel Feeders
Bird Houses
Bird Baths

Bird Feeders

Wildlife Plot Seed Mixes

Wildlife Plot Fertilizer
Applied at the rate of 200-300#/acre

Soil Testing
Deer Blocks and Feed

Game Bird Feeds
Game Fish Feeds
Purina Mills Product Line

Horse Feeds

Hay & Pasture Seed Mixes

Grooming Supplies


Worming/Pest Control
Buckets and Tubs
Chicken Feeds
Medium Scratch Feed
Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve

Treats and scratch blocks

Jay-Mar Gift Cards The Perfect Gift
Jay-Mar Gift Cards are available in any amount and make the perfect gift! Jay-Mar Gift Cards don't expire or lose their value. That just wouldn't be right. Visit us to purchase today!
Wildlife Food Plot Brochure
March Tips
Jay-Mar Inc. Farm Supply
Dry Fertilizers
44-0-0 (ESN Polymer-coated Urea)
0-0-22-22 S - 17.5 Mg (K-Mag)
0-0-0-22 Ca - 17 S (Cal-Sul / Gypsum)
Pelletized Lime
Bagged and Bulk
Liquid Fertilizers
(60% Polyphosphate / 40% Orthophosphate)
And Many More
(80% Orthophosphate and 60% Orthophosphate)
3-18-18 (80% Ortho)
6-24-6 (80% Ortho)
9-18-9 (60% Ortho)
9-18-9 (80% Ortho)
(100% Orthophosphate)
And Many More
Liquid Fertilizers
Mic-Ro-Pac (11-8 -5 w/Micronutrients)
Grow + Grow + (2-9-3 w/Micronutrients)
Jay-Max - A (For Alfalfa)
Jay-Max - S (For Soybeans)
Jay-Max - C (For Corn)

10% Boron
3% Calcium EDTA
7.5% Copper EDTA
4.5% Iron HEDTA
2.5% Magnesium EDTA
6% Manganese EDTA
9% Zinc EDTA
Available as straight product or a custom formulated crop mixes.
We also product a variety of Citric Acid, Glucoheptonate and Lignonsulfate complexed micronutrients.
28% and 32%
15-0-0-15 Zn
N+ Liquid Calcium
Calcium Nitrate
N-Sure (Slow-release Nitrogen)
Seed Corn





Hay & Pasture Mixes
Spring and Winter Wheat
Field Peas and Pea Mixes
Wisconsin Certified Oats

Crop Protection and Custom App.
Garden Seeds
Crop Consulting
Soil and Tissue Testing
Parts and Equipment
Poly Bags
Paper Bags
Mesh Bags
Burlap Bags
Slip Sheets
Pallet Bins
Closing Supplies
Amisorb makes your fertilizer available to the plant longer; especially phosphate. Amisorb is patented, proven and registered in Wisconsin. Use with liquid or dry fertilizer.

Mycorrhizal Application
This beneficial fungus will colonize on the roots of plants and improve nutrient and water uptake. Mycorrhizae will bring phosphate and other nutrients to the plant. It will improve root and plant growth, increase yield and reduce drought stress.

What are adjuvants?
Jay-Mar produces a complete line of agricultural adjuvants. Adjuvants are materials which when added to a pesticide mixture in the spray tank improves mixing and application or enhances pesticide performance. An adjuvant customizes the formulation to meet specific needs or compensate for local conditions.
The most common adjuvant is a surfactant. A term derived from the phrase SURFace ACTtive AgeNT. These materials are also known as wetting agents or spreaders. They enhance spray coverage by reducing the surface tension of spray droplets. Sometimes vegetable oils such as cottonseed oil and soy oil are used as surfactants.
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Dart is a new sticker designed to hold pesticides in place without clogging the plants ability to breathe: a problem with most stickers. Dart will prevent the loss of your pesticide by forming a thin terpene film over the entire surface of the leaf. This film prevents loss due to rain, heavy dew, overhead irrigation, evaporation, and ultra-violet radiation. Dart's terpene chemistry won't interfere with crops. Terpenes are used to produce an adjuvant capable of spreading and holding your pesticide in place. Unlike Dart, most terpene stickers provide no spreading ability and may even encapsulate your pesticide and prevent translocation or mobilization. Dart improves the uniformity of spray droplets, greatly improving canopy penetration.

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A nonionic spreader/sticker that is compatible with most pesticides. CHAMELEON forms a "complex" with the active ingredient in most pesticides to allow the pesticide to behave like a surfactant. CHAMELEON will help to keep the solution in suspension, reduce surface tension, and provide even spray coverage. CHAMELEON will cut through waxy leaf cuticles to increase the penetration of the spray. CHAMELEON also creates uniform droplets for more efficient coverage and to reduce drift.

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Impact is a superior nonionic spreader which allows for complete coverage of the spray solution. Impact contains organosilicone, which allows for the rapid spreading and absorption of herbicide sprays into the plant leaves and stems and is very effective with water-based herbicides. Jay-Mar, Inc. does not recommend using Impact with fungicides.

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A buffering agent that is designed to keep the pH of spray solutions in the range recommended by the pesticide label. Equalizer will protect chemicals from alkaline hydrolysis (the breakdown of a pesticide from too high pH).
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Justice is an effective blend of agents, which act as a buffering agent and a compatibility agent to improve the stability of liquid fertilizers mixed with pesticides and /or micronutrients. Justice is used when a simultaneous application of liquid fertilizer and liquid or dry pesticide is desired. Justice is also recommended when two different pesticides are to be applied in a single source of liquid fertilizer or water.

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Meth-N-Oil is a broad scope adjuvant designed to enhance the performance of herbicides in preplant, preemergence and postemergence applications. Meth-N-Oil performs particularly well with systemic herbicides. Meth-N-Oil also offers good spreading characteristics for herbicide coverage during adverse weather conditions. Meth-N-Oil has been found to increase the stability of some volatile herbicides. Meth-N-Oil is a DuPont approved adjuvant.

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Spirit is a uniquely formulated spray adjuvant developed to improve the consistency and performance of various postemergence herbicides. Spirit combines the awesome penetrating power of methylated canola oil with the unequaled spreading characteristics of organosilicone to provide the unbeatable combination of fast spreading, complete coverage and fast absorption of spray by plant surfaces to reduce the negative effects of unfavorable weather conditions.
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Volt is a blend of 32% nitrogen and a quality nonionic surfactant. When used at recommended rates Volt can increase the performance of herbicides that recommend or require both of these additives. In the tank mix, you get better dispersion with Volt than you do when you add these products separately.

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Horizon is a low-foam, general purpose, nonionic/anionic adjuvant designed to enhance the performance of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides through more uniform coverage and retention of sprays. Horizon coats the plant leaf with a thin film that penetrates the leaf for faster pesticide adsorption. This intimate interaction with the plant leaf along with a special blend of sticking agents can decrease the chance of washoff by overhead irrigation and rain.

Foam Cutter
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Foam Cutter - Formulated to neutralize foam in pesticide and/or fertilizer tank mixes. Foam Cutter works regardless of the pH of the solution and will not precipitate. Foam Cutter reduces waste from pesticide spillage and saves tank fill-up time.

RAIZ-MOR enhances what nature has put in the soil. RAIZ-MOR is not a supplemental application of laboratory-cultivated microbes. RAIZ-MOR builds the native soil microbes by giving them the food they want and that helps achieve nature's natural balance. Soil microbes and their environment are ever-changing as nature adapts to current conditions. RAIZ-MOR is science assisting nature. Healthy, well-fed microbes make a better growing environment for your crop - whatever crop it is.
Why should you care about microbes? - In natural ecosystems, plant health often reflects the status of the root zone microbial community. This community contains bacteria, actinomyces, fungi, and algae, and all can be used as biological indicators of soil quality. These microorganisms are highly diverse in numbers, activity levels, and functions and in their population dynamics. It is through these characteristics that the microbial communities display responses to changes in cultural practices and the environment.
The microbial community is linked to soil health and subsequently, plant health through nutrient cycling and beneficial plant relationships. The majority of the microbial population degrades organic matter. Through the breakdown of organic matter, the microbial biomass initiates the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur.
RAIZ-MOR helps growers make more money per acre. RAIZ-MOR works on all crops - tests prove it.
- Carrots in Georgia - 7400#/acre increase
- Green Beans in Georgia - 60, 40# boxes more per acre
- Vidalia Onions in Georgia - 12.5% yield increase/acre
- Peanuts in Georgia - Averages over 640#/acre
- Tobacco in Georgia - 1744#/acre (dry tobacco)
- Sod in Florida
- Turf in Wisconsin - Improves putting green quality and color
- Potatoes in Wisconsin
4 Formulations
- RAIZ-MOR for Dry Fertilizer
- RAIZ-MOR for Liquid Fertilizer
- RAIZ-MOR Ready 5-4-2
- RAIZ-MOR Ready 7-26-0